Final Pitch Deck Presentation

The Final Pitch Deck Presentation

"Raising capital or obtaining customers for a new business or product requires dedication and patience." 

        With the right pitch deck, the team can share information about the app or product to help others see its value, making them more likely to support the app. One of the benefits of good pitch deck is  creating awareness.

Team Presentation

           This is the week when the team is getting ready for the final pitching. Everyone on the team is nervous and shaking.  As we wish and pray that our final pitching went well. 

My Experience With The Team

 Some of the main challenges I experienced while working with my team was conflicts over personal agenda, strategies, and opinions. Sometimes it was hard to determine the strategies to follow as a group because most members of the team had a strategy and deciding on whose approach was the best was an issue.  Despite the challenges faced, also enjoyed working with my teammates because the ideas we came up with as a team was better compared to the ones I could develop alone. It was also interesting to have mutual support from team members which led to efficiency for completion of the project. I enjoyed the sense of accomplishment that existed among the team members because we knew that as a team, we had what it takes to complete our task successfully. The experience I gained will be helpful while working with other people to help the society. I learn the importance of appreciating the ideas of every person and their contribution no matter how small it may be. It may be a small contribution but working with other people helps in providing better results. Even when challenges are encountered, the best way is to be patient with other people and to respect them until a solution is reached.


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